玉林救狗的“美国英雄”竟是骗子 卷走善款弃狗不顾

发表于 讨论求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27


近日,一位被冠以“美国救狗英雄”称号的美国华裔男子,被曝私吞救狗善款、抛下狗狗跑路等丑事,成为众矢之的。根据外媒报道,这位名为Marc Ching的男子以到玉林营救狗狗的名义将好莱坞明星骗的团团转,而他救下的那些狗狗绝大多数都死掉了。

据《每日邮报》(Daily Mail) 报道, Marc Ching从去年9月开始,就来到了亚洲,开始从屠宰场里救狗。

Ching, who runs an LA pet nutrition business and restaurant for pets – and whose customers include Matt Damon – began travelling to Asia to rescue dogs from slaughterhouses in September last year.




Marc Ching也借此公布了一个更大的救狗计划:要救出1000条狗。为此,他还制作了一个纪录片,并请来了马特·达蒙等数位好莱坞明星参与拍摄。

这部纪录片展现了很多狗被虐待的惨状。Marc Ching在视频中称要进行一次“历史性”的救狗行动。他还呼吁志愿者们前来帮忙,称会负担一切费用。


后来,Marc Ching和他的志愿者伪装成贩狗的商人,在玉林买下了1000只狗。


In the shambolic rescue that followed, Ching’s volunteers took 300 dogs to a shelter in the city of Nanning, 130 miles from Yulin, set up by his charity the Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. A further 700 went to Buddhist sanctuaries.


Within days, dogs with disease and distemper began dying en masse in their cages at one of the Buddhist sanctuaries where – unknown to Ching – religious beliefs dictate that animals are denied any treatment and instead nature is allowed to take its course.


让人难以置信的是,Marc Ching承认,。而这些被抢走的狗中有一部分已经被国外领养狗的家庭预定。

Incredibly, Ching admits hiring men described by others as local thugs to break into the Nanning shelter at night and snatch more than 100 dogs – some already lined up with adoptive homes overseas – to take to a shelter run by his supporters 500 miles away in Changsha.

更令人震惊的是,Ching和他在南宁福利站的一位合伙人杰弗里·贝里闹掰后,他跑回了美国,并中断了给南宁福利站的拨款。 The chaos worsened after Ching flew back to the US and then cut off funding to the Nanning shelter after a spectacular falling out with businessman Jeffrey Beri.




The Soi Dog Foundation, run by Briton John Dalley, is paying for 70 dogs in Nanning to be sent to foster homes overseas at a cost of around £1,500 per dog. The Humane Society International has meanwhile taken in 120 dogs and is funding their export to new homes overseas. Another 90 remain in Changsha with Ching’s charity.


Ching accused Beri of misusing funds and sexually harassing staff. Beri, who denies the allegations, says he has since spent £50,000 of his own money to stay in China to care for the surviving dogs and find them homes overseas.


Beri said: ‘The only reason I am here is to save as many of the remaining dogs that I can. When this is over, I would like a complete audit of what has been donated to and spent by [Ching’s] charity.’


一位来自美国的女志愿者(只愿意称自己为莎拉Sarah,说她已经受到了来自Marc Ching支持者的虐待和恐吓。她说:“从一开始六月狗狗营救就是一个灾难性的错误。”A female volunteer from the US, who gave her name only as Sarah because of abuse and threats she says she has received from some of Ching’s supporters, said the June rescue went disastrously wrong from the outset.

莎拉称Marc Ching的“救狗行动”存在非常严重的问题。她说:“我们以为救出的狗狗都会得到救助,谁知Marc Ching却把其中700条狗丢给了无力照顾它们的寺庙,才导致狗狗大量死亡……”

'We thought the rescued dogs were all going to a safe house in Nanning,’ she said. ‘Instead, 700 of them ended up at Buddhist sanctuaries and most died because they didn’t get the care they needed.


‘If they had been left in the slaughterhouses to be hit on the head and killed, it would have been better than the suffering they went through.’ 


Sarah said she and other volunteers were also ordered to leave 100 rescued dogs in their cages in Nanning from 7am until 4pm in sweltering conditions so that Ching could be photographed with the animals.



She believes between up to 700 of the 1,000 dogs originally rescued are now dead.

目前,Marc Ching已经把黑锅推给了寺庙和其他志愿者,说他并不清楚寺庙不会照顾这些狗狗,出的问题也都是别人造成的,自己“问心无愧”。









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